Common Questions: Below are common questions new parents ask about school procedures at Coventry.
What do I do when my child is absent?
Parents/Guardian are responsible for providing the school with a note (within 24 hours) indicating the reason(s) for the absent.
What do I do if my child needs to take medicine at school?
Prescription medication must be in the original bottle with the prescription label on it. Non-prescription medication must be in a labeled container. Medication must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian in the original container with the appropriate label intact. A signed parental permission form must be completed for medication to be given at school. You may obtain a form from the school nurse.
What should I do if my child can not participate in P.E. because of an injury?
If students will be missing three (3) or more days of P.E., they will need a doctor's note. If it is less than three (3) days, parents should send a note to the school nurse. An inability to participate in P.E. is applied to participation in other outside activities.
How may my child talk with the guidance counselor?
Forms are available in every classroom for students to request to see the counselor. Teachers are also happy to assist. Parents may call Mrs. Kristina Wallace at 898-0422.
What if my child is going home with a friend or on another bus?
All bus changes must be in writing from the parent. Instruct your child to bring a note of any bus change to the office at the beginning of the school day. If a child is going home with another student, both students' parents must send a note. Any request for a permanent bus stop change must be sent in writing to the Transportation Department.
How do I pick up my child early from school or deliver an item during the day?
Come to the office to sign out your child. Please be prepared to show identification until the office staff recognizes you. We will call your child to the office over the intercom. All items should be delivered to the office (lunches, books, etc.). In the interest of student/staff safety, and to protect instructional time, please do not go to classrooms between 8:50 a.m. and 3:04 p.m. without a prior appointment.
How do I contact my child's teacher?
You may email your child teacher, send a note with your child asking the teacher to call you or call the main office at 757-898-0403 and asked to be transferred to the teacher’s voicemail.
May my child walk/ride bike to school?
There is a designated walking area for Coventry. (Bus transportation is not provided for these students.) In addition, students (who live in the Coventry subdivision) outside the walking area may walk/ride a bike to school with written parent permission and the approval of the principal. When riding a bike, helmets must be worn at all times. (Walking permit requests are available in the office).
What if I want to pick up my child every day?
There is a designated pick up area in the gym. Please fill out the slip in the office and we will add your child to the pick up list.
Why can't I park in front of the building to drop off or pick up my child?
During the arrival and dismissal times (8:00 - 9:15 a.m. and 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.), students are walking in this area and it is not safe to have moving vehicles present.
May I pay for lunch by the month?
Yes, you may put any amount in your child's cafeteria account. However, please do not combine cafeteria money with any other expenses (such as pictures, etc.) when writing a check.
How will I know when my child's cafeteria account is low?
The cashier attempts to notify the child when their account is low, you may also log onto mylunchmoney.com and check your child’s balance or call the cafeteria manager between 9-10:30 AM at 898-0399.
When will breakfast be served?
Breakfast will be delivered to the classroom by the time students arrive in the morning, orders will be taken for breakfast the day before.
May parents visit for lunch?
Parents are always welcome for lunch! Please get a visitor's badge in the front office and meet your child's class in the cafeteria.
How can I volunteer and become involved at Coventry?
The PTA will send home a request for volunteers, or you may send a note to your child's teacher or call the office. All volunteers must sign-in in the office and wear an identification badge.
Coventry's program is enhanced by the thousands of hours our parent volunteers donate each year!
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call the school at 898-0402 or 898-0403.