School Counseling
Coventry Elementary School Counseling
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Meet your school counselors…
Kristina Wallace primarily works with grades K, 2, and 4. She received her undergraduate degree from James Madison University and received her Master's Degree in School Counseling from The College of William and Mary. She has been a school counselor in Virginia since 2007 and a counselor at Coventry since 2010.
Aliki Vidakis primarily works with grades 1, 3, and 5. She received her undergraduate degree from George Mason University and received her Master's Degree in School Counseling from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has been a school counselor at Coventry since 2019.
They are both so happy to be part of a wonderful school where they can help students reach their goals and strive to be their best!
Connect with your school counselors...
Kristina Wallace Aliki Vidakis
(757) 898-0422 (757) 867-3350
What can your school counselors do for you?
In an effort to provide a comprehensive school counseling program for all students at Coventry and assist them in becoming positive and productive citizens in our community, we will work with students in many ways. Student needs will be addressed in three areas: Social/Emotional, Academic, and Career. Student needs are addressed with the following services:
Classroom Counseling –Throughout the school year, counselors will present classroom counseling lessons to students in grades K-5. Counseling lessons are aligned with the Standards for School Counseling Programs in Virginia Public Schools and the American School Counselor Association's (ASCA) Mindsets and Behaviors.
In the remote setting, lessons will be asynchronous and will be completed by students in Canvas. Students will learn about many important topics which may include:
- Positive peer relationships and conflict resolution
- Emotional regulation and mindfulness
- Character education
- Career Exploration
- Test-taking strategies and study skills
Group Counseling –Students may be referred by parents, teachers, or counselors to participate in small group counseling. Group counseling topics are developed based on the highest needs of students and may include:
- Friendship and social skills
- Emotional regulation
- Resiliency (coping with stressors and/or change)
- Self-esteem
- Academic success (study skills and work habits)
- Military deployment
Conflict Resolution - Counselors can help students problem-solve with his/her peers in a confidential, safe environment.
Individual Counseling – School counselors provide short-term, goal-oriented counseling. In the remote setting, counselors will provide individual check-ins with students virtually, but will not provide on-going individual counseling sessions. Referrals to community resources will be provided for students needing long-term counseling services. Students may speak with the counselor individually through parent referral, teacher referral, or self-referral. A student may talk with the school counselor about:
- Academic concerns
- Family changes or concerns
- Peer relationships and friendship
- Decision-making
Family Life Education – Family Life curriculum will not be taught during remote instruction.
Gifted Program Contact –The school counselors also serve as the Gifted Program contact. Please contact them with any questions or concerns.
Referrals –If you are in need of assistance, your school counselors can help by locating community resources. School counselors will also provide referrals for long-term counseling services.
Confidentiality - Information students share with the school counselor is confidential. Students' right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethics, and school policy. The school counselor is obligated to break confidentiality when there is potential harm to the student or others, concern of neglect or abuse, or a court of law that requires testimony or student records. At times, the counselor and shcool-based staff (teacher, social worker, principal, etc.) will need to exchange information about a student (i.e. how they are coping in class, strategies to help, etc.). All communication will take place only on a need-to-know basis.