Military Family Information
Welcome to Yorktown, Virginia and Coventry Elementary School! We are honored to have the opportunity to educate your children. The faculty and staff of Coventry Elementary School are committed to supporting military-connected students in their transition into our school community and through events unique to the military student experience, such as parent deployments and family reassignment. We value the knowledge and experience these students and their families bring to the school community and will work to establish effective relationships with all members of our military families.
Joining the Coventry Family!
We are excited for you to join our Coventry family! Here are some helpful links for information on registering your student in the York County School Division.
YCSD Military Families
New to York County
York County School Division Registration Information
YCSD Enrollment Policy
YCSD Enrollment Forms
Coventry School Counseling Page - Military Resources
Leaving the Coventry Family
We will be sad to see you leave Coventry Elementary. If your family is moving, please contact the Coventry Elementary School office as soon as possible with an approximate move date and the last day your child will be attending school. Requests for official transcripts/records should also be made with our front office staff in a timely manner. Our front office staff can be reached at 757-898-0403.
Announcements & Events
Coventry PTA Opportunities
Coventry Elementary welcomes parent volunteers and has many opportunities for parents to help both in the school and at home. The CES PTA holds many events throughout the school year and solicits volunteers through emails and their Facebook page:
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) Training & Workshops for Parents
The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) is the parent information and training center serving families and professionals of children with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PEATC promotes respectful, collaborative partnerships between parents, schools, professionals, and the community to increase the success of students with disabilities. To view an updated calendar of tainings and workshops, please click here.
Thank You!
We are so proud of our military families. Your dedication and service to our country, and CES community, is invaluable. Thank you for all that you do. Sending love to all of our military families! The video below is a small token of our appreciation.
CES Military Family Appreciation